Action Press Release Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia (WALHI) South Sumatera Jakarta, December 15, 2017. Until today, -more than 608 days- Cawang Gumilir community are displaced. Evicted from their house and land as a source of their livelihood by PT. Musi Hutan Persada (MHP / Marubeni Group). The act of PT. MHP is a form of deprivation of the rights of Indonesian citizens who should be protected by contitution, in accordance with the Constitution of 1945 Article 28H Paragraph (1) "Every person shall have the right to live a safe and healthy life, a place to stay in a healthy environment and right to have health services” Cawang Gumilir case is one of the bad portrait of PT. MHP in running its business. WALHI South Sumatera notes at least 34 villages / communities are in conflict with the company. These conflicts are open conflicts, which have been happening year after year and have taken place long ago without any effort and goodwill from companies and governments to resolve the conflicts. WALHI South Sumatera sees what is experienced by Cawang Gumilir community and other communities is a form of impoverishment by PT. MHP because until today people are still displaced since forced eviction without any certainty to meet their basic needs, shelter, and social life. In other words, PT. MHP has "deprived society to its roots". While during the evacuation, both the government and the company neglected the community. Other bad corporate practise undertaken by PT. MHP related to the environmental aspect, where there are illegal activities within the company's permit, namely the presence of oil palm plantations scattered in several locations.
In addition, in their concession often occur forest fires. This fact has confirmed and demonstrated that they have violated Law number 41 of 1999 on Forestry, article 32 where the license holder is obliged to maintain and preserve the forest in which his business is located. In reality this company failed to fullfil its obligations. WALHI Sumsel demands, enough is enough. PT. MHP which is part of the Marubeni Group, grabbed people land and impoverished the lives of the people and undermined the natural resources in South Sumatra. We hereby urge the Government of Japan to also responsible for corporates and investment originating from their country that has harmed the public and damaged natural resources. We also urge President Joko Widodo to keep his promise to overcome the imbalances of land tenure and solve natural resource conflicts, through both, agrarian reform and social forestry policy, it must be done just and sustainably and prioritizes on areas that are in conflict with land based industries. (end) Contact Person: Hadi Jatmiko, Director of Walhi South Sumatra [email protected] | 081310068838 Tubagus Soleh Ahmadi, Deputy Director of Walhi Sumatera Selatan [email protected] | 085693277933